VitaKora [Semana 3] "Poesía seleccionada - Parte II"

Algo mas de la poesia que quiero compartir con ustedes... Algo de mi archivo personal, claro está...


Alli entre los anchos confines celestes,

la vasta expansión de la eternidad

hay un mundo futuro, mejor que este

de gloria bendita, y vida sin par...

en que tu alma vivira como antes

-las penas que sufres ya no estarán-

alli te vere otra vez como eres,

tus sueños primeros serán realidad...

Bella y erguida, iras como antes,

y desplegarás tus anteriores encantos;

viendo mi sol en tus ojos sonrientes,

podras confiarme tus secretos guardados...

Podre mecerte, en mis brazos dormida,

y como un recuerdo fugaz y lejano...

las pena y tristeza de todos los días

seran cual un sueño incoherente y vano...

(Fragmento de la Cancion I, de "Miel que vino del cielo"-Principios de Noviembre de 2010)


The world of your imagination:

The price of the world is nothing

except when you cry for a deth

the only one purpose of life

is that you can be free of pains

and if make real a dream

you´re the winner of the game!

The world of your imagination

would be your reality

there you can make your dreams

take you to the eternity

and if you really love something

can be your if you believe

in the dreams

in the world of your imagination

your soul will fly like a bird

out of this world

and you will know the glory

of your´s own...

the price for the world is nothing

except when you cry for your pains

the real beauty of life

is that you can be free again

and as you live in your dreams

you´re winning the hardest game...

The world of your imagination

is your new reality

here you can make your dreams

take you to the eternity

and as you really love something

it is your, as you believe

in the dreams

in the world of your imagination

your soul flies like a bird

out of the world

and now you know the glory

of your´s own...

(De "Eldorado"-Agosto de 2004)


There´s a cold heart

deep inside my cold soul

There´s also a cold head

holdin´my self-control

There are little lies

there are some pains

the words of a promisse

I didn´t keep in the end

those were the only cares

to defy my life I had

that´s the pain of a battle

lost from before of begin

the love pains of a lover

I´ve felt anytime

I´ve learnt to walk

feeling just with my head

and when there comes the end

a thousand miles away

I will run to the freedom

leaving my loves behind...

There´s beautifull girl

calling from the past

and there´s a little love

crying through the ice

there´s a feel of damn

breaking down my peace

but there´s also a fiery anger

blinding all my mind

that´s the pain of a battle

I lost from before of begin

the love pains of a simply man

I´ve felt anytime

I´ve learnt to run

feeling just with my head

and when is near the end

a hundred miles away

I will back to the freedom

leaving my loves behind...

(De "The Limitation of the Words"-Julio de 2006)


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